Julian of Norwich - resources
Internet Resources
Amherst Manuscript Project:
Julian of Norwich- Her "Showing of Love" and its Contexts:
Biography and Links from "Other Women's Voices":
Webpage for Church of St. Julian in Norwich, England:
Heimmel, Jennifer P. God is our mother: Julian of Norwich and the medieval image of Christian feminine divinity. Salzburg : Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 1982.
Jantzen, Grace M. Julian of Norwich: Mystic and Theologian. Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2000.
Llewelyn, Robert. All Shall be Well: The Spirituality of Julian of Norwich for Today. Paulist Press, 1985.
Manton, Karen and Muir, Lynne. The Gift of Julian of Norwich. Ave Maria Press, 2005.
Milton, Ralph. The Essence of Julian: A Paraphrase of Julian of Norwich's "Revelations of Divine Love". Northstone Publishing, 2002.
Milton, Ralph. Julian's Cell: The Earthly Story of Julian of Norwich. Northstone Publishing, 2002.
Nowakowski Baker, Denise. Julian of Norwich’s Showings: from vision to book. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1994.
Roman, Christopher. Domestic Mysticism in Margery Kempe and Dame Julian of Norwich: The Transformation of Christian Spirituality in the Late Middle Ages. Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2005.
Upjohn, Sheila. In Search of Julian of Norwich. Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd, 1989.
Watson, Nicholas and Jenkins, Jacqueline. The Writings of Julian of Norwich: A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman And a Revelation of Love. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006.
Scholarly articles:
Barratt, Alexandra. "Julian of Norwich and the Holy Spirit, 'Our Good Lord'." Mystics Quarterly 28.2 (2002): 78-84.
Bauerschmidt, F. C. "Order, Freedom, and 'Kindness' - Julian of Norwich on the Edge of Modernity." Theology Today 60.1 (2003): 63-81.
Cervone, C. M. "The 'Soule' Crux in Julian of Norwich's A 'Revelation of Love'." Review of English Studies 55.219 (2004): 151-156.
Dearborn, Kerry. "The Crucified Christ as the Motherly God: The Theology of Julian of Norwich." Scottish Journal of Theology 55.3 (2002): 283-302.
Evasdaughter, Elizabeth N. "Julian of Norwich as Feminist Philosopher (1342-1416?)." Resources for Feminist Research 16.3 (1987): 58.
Garrett, Catherine. "Weal and Moe: Suffering, Sociology, and the Emotions of Julian of Norwich." Pastoral Psychology 49.3 (2001): 187-203.
Glaser, E. M. "Reflections on Wisdom: Julian of Norwich." Soundings 83.2 (2000): 411-426.
King, C. S. "The Poetics and Praxis of Enclosure: Julian of Norwich, Motherhood, and Rituals of Childbirth." Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 35 (2004): 71-82.
Neu Watkins, Renée. "Two Woman Visionaries and Death: Catherine of Siena and Julian of Norwich." Numen, 30, Fasc. 2. (1983): 174-198.
Reichardt, P. F. "'Speciall sainctes': Julian of Norwich, John of Beverley, and the Chronology of the 'Shewings'." English Studies 82.5 (2001): 385-392.
Turner, Denys. "'Sin is Behovely' in Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love." Modern Theology 20.3 (2004): 406-422.